A great way to relax is to get ahead massage. A head massage may relieve headache symptoms, reduce tension, and perhaps increase hair growth, in addition to providing sensory pleasure. And the best part? You can do one at home if you want to. You can use massagers like Breo Scalp Mini, Breo Head Massager, Breo Massager, ミニ シャンプー , etc. to provide the best massage at home. If you want a professional head massage, you can go to a massage therapist. Continue reading to learn more about the advantages of a head massage. The advantages of a head massage The advantages vary depending on the type of head massage you receive. Take cranial-sacral massage therapy, for example. This is a light massage technique that focuses on the brain, spinal column, and sacrum's central nervous system. This form of head massage is frequently used for the following purposes: • Pain from migraines and headaches can be relieved by releasing stress. • ...